Our Team

Prof. Yaron Toledo
Lab Head

Dr. Boaz Mayzel
Lab and Sea-going management

Dr. Victoria Grigorieva
Research Associate
Areas of expertise:
Global wind wave analysis, including extreme waves;
Historical wave data;
Long-term climate dynamics;
Ocean-atmosphere interaction.

Dr. Rotem Soffer
Research Associate
Wave and shearing current interactions

Dr. Gal Akrish
Post-doctoral Student
Infragravity wave modeling
Starting Feb 2025

Nir Haim
PhD Student
My research aims to improve the estimation of key physical properties of the ocean—such as sea surface elevation, wind-waves, currents, and temperature—over operational timescales ranging from hours to days. These properties are critical for a wide range of activities within marine and coastal environments. While prediction and monitoring systems perform adequately in deeper waters, their effectiveness diminishes in shallow waters due to increased physical complexity. By integrating numerical models with in-situ measurements and remote sensing data, I seek to enhance our ability to detect, analyze, and better understand the dynamic processes occurring in coastal regions.

Oshrat Klein
PhD student
Oshrat's research performs a theoretical investigation of surface gravity waves in the presence of shear-turbulence flow. She investigates the dynamics of wave growth in stratified shear flows and examines the mechanisms creating shear instability.
This work is done in collaboration with Prof. Eyal Heifetz.

Qasem Slalha
PhD student
Quasem's research aims to extract bathymetric and current mapping using data from the satellite and other remote-sensing instruments. The first part of his PhD calibrates VENµS satellite multispectral images in conjunction with Lidar bathymetry mapping, photogrammetry images, and in-situ single beam mapping to provide a satellite remote-sensing technique of constructing bathymetric mapping.
This work is done in collaboration with Prof. Arnon Karnieli.

Jacob Zaken
PhD student
Jacob's Research Topics:
Physical oceanography, Sub mesoscale circulation,
SOM analysis, Measurements analysis, HF Radar.
Doctoral students (Graduated)

Teodor Vrecica
Nonlinear source terms for wave action equation models

David Kouskoulas
On the mathematical theory of water waves and currents

Pavel Chernyshov
X-band radar measurements of waves and currents in the nearshore environment

Rotem Soffer
(with Prof. Eliezer Kit)
Waves and currents measurement methodology advancements and their implementation in the East Med. Sea

Yuval Yevnin
Advancements of wave action equation models
Postdoctoral research associates (finished)

Bernda Quinn
Wave interaction with shearing currents

Gali Hendin
Wind flow above sea waves

David Kouskoulas
The mathematical theory of water waves and current

Susanne Støle-Hentschel
wave and current measurements and forecasting using HF-radars

Rotem Soffer
(with: Prof. Eliezer Kit)
Novel Interpretation method for obtaining directional wave spectra
Former lab engineers/research associates

Andrey Zavadsky

Ori Friedland

Sara Nauri

Gilad Orr

Aviv Solodoch