An oceanographic HF radar array system
MEPlab has successfully installed an oceanographic HF radar array system (WERA) for conducting continuous long-range measurements of surface waves and currents in the East Med. Sea (up to ~150km off our shores).
Advancing such a national and regional infra-structure is a very demanding undertaking, which depends on finding appropriate locations by the sea (the deployment requires a stretch of ~200-300m) and receiving various permissions.
The two stations in Ashdod and Ashkelon provide surface current and wave measurements since 2019.
An oceanographic X-band radar ​
An oceanographic X-band radar has been installed in Haifa Port and later on Tel-Aviv cliff (since 2019). It uses a commercial unit (WaMOS) for providing wave and current information up to ~4km range for investigating waves. In addition to WaMOS processing, we collect also the raw data for advancing radar measurement methodologies and for investigating the capabilities of using X-band radars for Coastal Engineering Purposes.
The radar deployment is a collaboration project with the Coastal and Marine Research Institute (CAMERI), Technion and with Tel-Aviv Municipality.​​​
Unmanned Arial Vehicles (drones)​
We analyze video images of drones to provide directional wave spectra (Solodoch, Toledo, Grigorieva, Lehan, submitted) and collaborate in investigating jellyfish behavior (Malul et al, 2024).​​​
Satellite multi-spectral imagery
We analyze Venµs satellite images to construct nearshore bathymetry (collaboration with Prof. Arnon Karnieli, BGU).