In-situ measurements
The Deep Levantine Marine Station
Wave and upper layer (~30m) current measurements are conducted continuously since Nov 2016 as part of the lab’s participation in The Deep Levantine Marine Station — a joint deep water (~1500m) mooring located 50km away from Haifa led by Prof. Yishai Weinstein (Bar-Ilan University), Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank (Haifa University), Dr. Timor Katz (IOLR – Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research) and Prof. Barak Herut (IOLR). These are the first deep water wave measurements in Israel’s exclusive economic zone and one of the very few in the East Med. basin.
We have made a quality assurance and published an open-source data set for the entire wave data measurement (see ESSD data description paper)​​
Ad-hoc in-situ Wave and Current Measurements ​
We have made dozens of ad-hoc deployments of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and other in-situ instruments for flow and wave measurements for research, governmental and commercial usage. MEPLab holds seven 5-beam ADCPs and various moorings and bottom mounts. We used this data for wave physics investigation and advancements of Measurement methodologies.​
Depth and current measurement using vessel-mounted ADCP
We operate vessel-mounted ADCP for
ad-hoc bathymetry mapping and current
measurements during fieldwork.
Suspended Sediment Measurements​
MEPLab has recently acquired the LISST-200x Submersible Particle Size Analyzer. We aim to use it for suspended sediment measurements to calculate suspended sediment loads.